In Whitecourt, Remembrance Day ceremonies are being hosted by the Royal Canadian legion Branch #44. This year, the ceremonies are being held in the Allan and Jean Millar Centre. Doors open at 10 a.m., and they ask that you be seated by 10:30. There will be a short indoor parade from the pool hallway to the field house, however there will be no parade at the Cenotaph this year. Everyone is then welcome downtown to the legion hall to enjoy a chili lunch and some socializing.
Below, you can listen to our interview with the organizers.
In Edson, Remembrance Day ceremonies are being hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #51. Ceremonies will be held at the Edson Legion Hall. The parade formation will begin at 10:15, followed by the march off at 10:30, and services begin at 10:50. Lunch will be served starting at 1:15 p.m. A chicken or ham dinner will cost $10, and hotdogs for the kids will cost $3.
Below, you can listen to our interview with the organizers.
Fox Creek
In Fox Creek, Remembrance Day ceremonies are boing hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #280. A short ceremony will be held at the Fox Creek Cenotaph. The organizers ask that everyone arrive at 10:45, with services beginning at 10:55. Afterwards, the Legion Hall will be open for comradeship.
For more information, you can check the Fox Creek Legion Facebook group.
In Mayerthorpe, Remembrance Day ceremonies are being hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #126. While hosting scaled-back ceremonies the past few years, this is the when they return the ceremonies to their original splendor. The ceremonies take place at the Mayerthorpe Legion Hall. Attendees are asked to be in t heir seats 10:30 a.m., with the moment of silence at 11.
You can listen to our interview with the organizers below.