April 30, 2023 (9:29 p.m.)
Over the last 24 hours, there has been significant growth in the wildfire impacting Yellowhead County.
This has not allowed evacuated residents to return to their homes in the Evansburg and Wildwood areas.
The evacuation orders for Yellowhead County remain in effect with an increase in the evacuation area north and northwest of Wildwood. This increased evacuation area also changes the area of the State of Local Emergency to mirror the expanded evacuation area (evacuation area details can be found at yhcounty.ca.)
While firefighters have been working around the clock to try to protect homes and other infrastructure, there has been a loss of one house within the fire perimeter. Yellowhead County continues to
employ structure protection including sprinklers on homes and Alberta Wildfire has been deploying air tankers and aerial bucketing.
The County notes they will continue to work with Alberta Wildfire to monitor the fires and share alerts that may affect County residents. The most up to date information for wildfires can be found at www.alberta.ca/wildfire-status.aspx and https://srd.web.alberta.ca/edson-area-update.
We encourage everyone to have an evacuation plan in place for themselves, family members, and pets and livestock. Evacuation preparedness information can be found at https://alberta.ca/BePrepared.
April 30, 2023 (10:30 a.m.)
On April 29, several wildland fires in the area impacted communities and residents in Yellowhead County resulting in evacuations for the Hamlet of Evansburg and surrounding area, as well several residents northeast of Peers, north of Wildwood, and the Lobstick subdivision.
The fire, northeast of Wildwood continued to spread overnight and Yellowhead County declared a State of Local Emergency due to the increased fire activity and risk to residents, and other infrastructure. Yellowhead County issued a mandatory evacuation for the residents of Evansburg and residences north and south of the hamlet as well as residents of Lobstick and north of Wildwood. The hamlet of Evansburg has a population of over 700 residents that were all evacuated and approximately 70-80 residents from the other areas.
The State of Local Emergency gives Yellowhead County the power to direct and control our response efforts and give the municipality additional abilities to protect the safety and health of people, and limit damage to property.
This includes:
• putting an emergency plan into place,
• acquire resources needed to combat the threat,
• enable others to render aid that they are qualified to provide,
• control or prohibit travel that may impact the safety or operations of people and emergency responders,
• and other similar abilities
Residents being evacuated can go to the evacuation centre in Wildwood and were able to stay there overnight. Approximately 20 residents sheltered overnight at the Wildwood evacuation centre.
Yellowhead County has had over 45 firefighters on scene for the fire control and evacuation efforts and is working with Alberta Wildfire firefighters.
Yellowhead County is continuing to assist with the evacuation and residents at the evacuation centres.
• For highway information closure, go to 511.alberta.ca
• Yellowhead County is continuing firefighting efforts and assisting with evacuation and the safety of residents and the protection of infrastructure. Alberta Wildfire will have an update after 10:00
a.m. For the latest update and details on area wildfires, go to srd.web.alberta.ca/edson-area-update Yellowhead County emergency information line for residents will remain open overnight at 1-833- 334-4630.